These young starter plants are perfect to add to a growing orchid collection.


Start Material

The mother plants are carefully selected for producing young plants. The flower stalks are used as starting material in the laboratory. 

Lab Process

The cultures in the laboratory go through different stages. All the stages are processed in sterile conditions with specific climate control. 


It is an important process for determining the quality of tissue culture plants. The plants produced in laboratory should have minimum requirements of leaves and roots. 


The last stage of tissue cultures plants are grown in plastic containers and transported to Satter’s facility in The Netherlands. 

Young Orchid Plants

  • Young plants are produced from meristem cultures. Plants produced from meristem cultures are uniform in growth and have reduced risk of loss.
  • The young plants are then transported to our facility in plastic containers. We ensure that the young ones received meet our quality and growth requirements.
  • These young plants are grown under specific conditions for better growth in our greenhouse.

Quick Stats

More plants every year
More varieties every year
More production every year

Nursery Plants

The advantage of larger plants in plugs reduce the growth period by 5-7 months when compared to tissue culture plants. Larger plants are delivered in plastic trays. The plants are then sorted according to leaf/root ratio before being transferred to plugs for maintaining uniform growth. 

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Quality is the key to achieve sustainable success. The quality of the plants is checked regularly for maximum production in our greenhouse. 

Explore our variety of colorful options as a perfect addition to any interior space.